Michelle Clark Graphic Design

A Toast…
April 24, 2009, 3:17 am
Filed under: Art, Design, Inspiration, Photos | Tags: , , , , , ,

Gnarlyhead wine label to big big changes ahead, and a gnarly wine label.

Gnarlyhead CAB is one of my absolute favorite of inexpensive wines. I’m a devout red wine drinker, and Gnarlyhead makes some of the most flavorable, accessable red wines I’ve tasted. But before I ever took my first sip, what I first fell in love with was their wine label. It’s a work of art; the overall design reminds me of a woodcut print from the expressive tree to the rough, eroded serif font. I love how the branches twist and twirl, giving the tree a somewhat sinister and elegant look all at once. I’ve been on a mission ever since to find out who did the artwork and design for the this label but have so far been unsuccessful. What also draws me to Gnarlyhead wines is that the design also compliments the actual taste – bold and unique. This particular Cabaret Sauvignon is from Lodi, California, just one of the vineyards where their CAB is made. It has overtones of blackberry, cedar, vanilla, cherries, blueberries, and cocoa.  If you’re interested in learning more about Gnarlyhead or what kind of they have to offer, take a look at their website.